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电话: Tel:+ 86-21-65208861
姓名: irene
*域名隐藏* .,Ltd

  Shanghai *域名隐藏* .,Ltd is a Chinese chemical manufacturer and have exported the chemical product for nearly 17 years. Our products are certificated by ISO014001, ISO09001. So we can supply you with high quality products and also have a competitive price. And we can also help you to customize the products you need....

主要产品/业务: Our products include Vulcanized Agent, Rubber Antioxidant, Nanometer Oxide (such as Al2O3), Medicine Intermediate, Flame Retardant and so on

*域名隐藏* .,Ltd / 上海 / Room204,No.1708 Pingliang Road,TianMa Buliding,YangPu Distri (200090 ) / 电话:Tel:+ 86-21-65208861

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